Important: Michigan Peat Company reserves the right to amend, replace,
or cancel the Co-op Advertising Program, or any part thereof, at
any time without notice or obligation. We reserve the right to require
copies of media contracts and invoices, cancelled checks in payment
of media invoices, and any other pertinent document before we process
a claim. We also reserve the right to terminate the participation
of any retailer who, in our sole judgment, violates any program
provisions, and to refuse reimbursement for improperly submitted
& Conditions
Year: November 1 through October 31.
Ad allowances are not cumulative; unused allowances at the end of
the program year will be cancelled automatically.
Covered: BACCTO retail products only.
In the following Approved Media categories, 100% of advertising
costs up to 3% of net purchases of BACCTO brand retail products
during the program year. Net advertising costs shall be based on
net local retail advertising rates after all discounts and anticipated
rebates, or the actual net cost to the retailer, whichever is less.
If there is any question regarding payment eligibility under the
terms of this program, please contact Michigan Peat Company before
running your advertisement.
Space/Time: Actual space/time devoted to eligible products
plus a pro-rata share of headline, signature, dealer tag (so long
as the non-product space does not exceed 20% of the advertisement).
Materials: High-resolution ad slicks, logos, and product
images are available for download. Click
here to access these materials.
Submission: Submit claims within 60 days of the advertising
date to Michigan Peat Company, P.O. Box 980129, Houston, TX
77098-0129. Retailers buying through distributors must provide proof
of purchases for calculating the accrual; preferably copies of the
distributor's invoice(s) for BACCTO purchases. Alternatively, retailers
may submit program claims through their distributors.
All general-interest daily, Sunday, and weekly newspapers serving
the advertiser's primary trading area, for which retail rates and
circulation data can be verified by independent audit.
- Requirements
-- BACCTO brand name, properly spelled; accurate product illustration
and description.
- Limitations/Restrictions
-- Display advertising only; no agency commission affecting rate;
no production charges; no special position charges.
- Claim
Documentation -- Full-page tearsheet; publisher's monthly
invoice or memo billing showing total ad size as well as BACCTO
portion, and rate as paid with discounts taken.
Prepared, printed, and distributed by the advertiser
- Requirements
-- Same as for Newspapers.
- Limitations/Restrictions
-- No agency commission.
- Claim
Documentation -- Copy of complete circular, flyer, or direct-mail
materials; proof of distribution (postal receipt Form 3602, newspaper
insert invoice, delivery-service certification); invoices for
production, printing, and distribution; statement of amount claimed.
scripts/tapes and media plan at least 45 days before program is
scheduled to air.
- Requirements
-- Repeated mention of the BACCTO brand name, with product description.
- Limitations/Restrictions
-- No agency commission; no program sponsorship; no production
charges; no talent charges; prior disclosure and our acceptance
of brokered or bartered advertising.
- Claim
Documentation -- Script bearing notarized ANA/RAB or ANA/TvB
certification number and net cost per spot broadcast, referencing
the invoice, by number and/or date, on which the spot(s) were
billed (ANA "Electronic Tearsheet"); station's monthly
invoice (memo billings not acceptable); statement of amount claimed;
copy of Michigan Peat Company's prior approval.
The purpose
of the BACCTO Co-op Advertising Program is to increase consumer
awareness of the BACCTO brand name, the BACCTO product line, and
the retail outlets for BACCTO soils and mixes. It should not be
construed as an inducement for the retailer to purchase Michigan
Peat Company products.